Skin Rejuvenation treatments offer a solution for all the visible signs of ageing caused by sun damage, such as brown spots (pigmentation), redness (thread veins) and uneven skin texture, lines and wrinkles.

Precisely controlled short pulses of light are released that target discolouration (brown and red lesions) to create a more youthful, even complexion. In addition, this light results in the stimulation of the fibroblast cells, leading to increased production of new collagen and elastin. This improves the texture of the skin, evening out lumps and bumps whilst reducing the appearance of lines and wrinkles.


Half FaceFrom £80.00 Per Session
Full FaceFrom £130.00 Per Session
ShouldersFrom £130.00 Per Session
ChestFrom £130.00 Per Session
Full BackFrom £230.00 Per Session
HandsFrom £80.00 Per Session
Taken 2019 Taken 2023